Adobe Creative Cloud Experience

Client: The Buffalo Club

Project Goals: Design monthly e-newsletters for Buffalo’s Premier City Club. Utilize Adobe InDesign to design the newsletter layout and content within. Write the cover stories, staff and member feature pieces, and all event promotional content within the newsletter. Include photos I’ve taken the month prior. Each newsletter is 16-20 pages in length.

Client: Syracuse University, Women in Science and Engineering Program

Project Goals: Designed a 16-page booklet celebrating Women in Science and Engineering at Syracuse University’s 20th Anniversary. Utilized Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop to design the booklet, and interviewed and wrote over ten feature stories on Syracuse students, alumni, professors and the program founders.

Project: Magazine Design, “Entertainher”

Utilized Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop to create magazine design.

Entertainher Cover

Entertainher Cover

Opening Spread

Opening Spread

Jump Spread

Jump Spread

 Project: “Life’s a Drag”

Filmed and edited an original short-film utilizing Adobe Premiere.